INTERNET.PL oficjalnie jest już partnerem Meraki w Polsce.
Obecnie możemy już zaoferować naszym klientom najwyższej jakości usługi oraz produkty tej znanej i cieszącej się znakomitą opinią firmy.
Urządzenia Meraki są dostępne w INTERNET.PL w dwóch wariantach.
1. Standardowy zakup urządzeń:
Klient kupuje AP do własnego użytku. INTERNET.PL może pomóc we wdrożeniu systemu na życzenie Klienta, na oddzielnie uzgodnionych warunkach.
Do urządzeń Meraki należy wykupić support: licencję na system i wsparcie gwarancyjne. Support daje dostęp na określony czas (1 rok lub 3, 5 lub 7 lat) dostęp do redundantnych kontrolerów w chmurze, wsparcie techniczne oraz gwarancję wymiany urządzenia w ciągu 1-2 dni roboczych w razie uszkodzenia.
Wycena supportu zależy od okresu obowiązywania i zakresu wsparcia (Enterprise, 24h)
2. Model usługowy – płać za działające i zarządzane WiFi w modelu rozliczeń miesięcznych:
Unikalne rozwiązanie, dostępne w INTERNET.PL.
Klient płaci w tym wariancie za funkcjonującą sieć Wifi (HotSpot) w swoim środowisku.Całość obsługi, zarządzanie urządzeniem oraz konfiguracja sieci jest po stronie INTERNET.PL. Gwarantujemy ciągłość pracy, wymianę urządzenia w razie awarii oraz wsparcie użytkownika. Zarządzamy w imieniu Klienta nawet rozległą siecią WiFi bez konieczności angażowania jego zasobów IT.
Model ten jest idealny dla firm o rozproszonej infrastrukturze, sieci hoteli czy restauracji, dla wszystkich, którzy chcą płacić za dostęp do sieci, bez ponoszenia kosztów zarządzania, wymiany urządzeń i ich konfiguracji.
Wartość kontraktu zależy od wybranych modeli AP, ilości urządzeń oraz długości obowiązywania umowy. Oferujemy umowy na 12, 36 oraz 60 miesięcy. Koszty usługi mogą się zacząć już od 35 EUR miesięcznie za każdy AP dla sieci opartej o MR12.
Więcej o Meraki znajdziesz na

Centrally Managed from the Cloud
Cisco Meraki provides powerful and intuitive centralized management via the cloud, while eliminating the cost and complexity of traditional on-site wireless controllers. The Cisco Meraki cloud seamlessly manages campus-wide WiFi deployments and distributed multi-site networks with zero-touch access point provisioning, network-wide visibility and control, cloud-based RF optimization, seamless firmware updates and more. With an intuitive browser-based user interface, Meraki WLANs configure in minutes — not days or weeks — without training or dedicated staff.

Bring Your Own Device
Cisco Meraki is the first and only solution that provides everything you need for a secure, reliable, headache-free BYOD network — 100% integrated, without added cost or complexity.
Use integrated Layer 7 client fingerprinting to identify devices and measure their impact. Automatically apply device-specific policies to iOS devices, Androids, PCs, and more. Quickly and easily enable BYOD while maintaining a secure environment, for example by using NAC to require PCs to have antivirus software.

Presence Analytics
Cisco Meraki APs detect probing MAC addresses from associated and non-associated devices. Data is exported in real-time to the Cisco Meraki cloud, analyzed, and presented in the Meraki dashboard to show metrics such as user dwell time, repeat visits, and capture rate.
Presence can be used by retailers, hospitality, and enterprises to understand foot traffic and visitor behavior across sites, and optimize opening hours, marketing initatives, and staffing policies.
The Presence API also allows retailers to integrate with CRM to drive in-store customer engagement via alerts to staff or the delivery of targeted customer offers.

Control Applications, Users, and Devices
Cisco Meraki is the only wireless LAN to include Layer 7 fingerprinting and application QoS. Identify hundreds of applications, from business apps to BitTorrent and YouTube. Prioritize critical apps like VoIP, and limit or block wasteful bandwidth consumption such as P2P file sharing.
Apply policies by group or device type, automatically assigning VLAN tags, traffic shaping rules, bandwidth limits, and firewall policies to iPads and other device types. User fingerprinting with Google-like search allows administrators to easily identify and control individual users, iPads, Androids, and other devices.

Guest WiFi
Secure, easy to manage guest access is included out-of-the-box – without extra appliances, licenses, or complex configurations. A built-in firewall and DHCP server provide a complete guest solution, enabling secure, Internet-only access that protects your LAN.
Cisco Meraki WiFi with Facebook Login lets guests use check-ins to connect to your WiFi network, enabling additional aggregate and anonymous demographics data Facebook provides about your Page, and bringing built-in endorsement and exposure to your brand.
Meraki also provides cloud-hosted, customizable splash pages, bandwidth limits, on-the-fly guest logins, and even content filtering, allowing you to customize your guest experience.

Enterprise Security
Cisco Meraki provides complete out-of-the-box enterprise class security. Segment wireless users, applications, and devices; secure your network from attacks; and enforce the right policies for each class of users. Meraki’s built-in stateful policy firewall, 802.1X/RADIUS support, and native Active Directory integration deliver fine-grained access control, while Meraki’s Guest Access Firewall provides secure, Internet-only guest WiFi in just one click.
With built-in features like Network Access Control (NAC) and Air Marshal, a real-time scanning intrusion prevention system (WIPS), Meraki enables secure wireless environments without complex setup or systems integration. Meraki WLANs are fully HIPAA and PCI compliant.

High Capacity 802.11n
Cisco Meraki’s 802.11n APs provide high capacity wireless in dense, demanding environments. Meraki APs are custom-designed for cloud management. Built with enhanced CPU and memory capabilities, Meraki APs deliver rich services including Layer 7 Application QoS and NAC at the network edge. Industry-leading 3-stream 802.11n MIMO delivers radio rates of up to 900 Mbps, while cloud-based RF optimization with spectrum analysis ensures that Meraki APs are automatically tuned for highest performance.

High Performance Mesh Routing
Mesh networking – the ability for APs not wired into the LAN to act as repeaters – is included in every Cisco Meraki AP. Mesh allows for two powerful use cases: extending coverage to hard to wire areas, and providing a self-healing network that is resilient to cable and switch failures. Meraki pioneered high performance mesh routing, with behind-the-scene technologies such as multi-radio routing and per-flow analysis that makes the Meraki mesh faster and more reliable.